All About Josh
Birthday: July 13
Age: 13
Activities: track (hurdles), student council, band
Interests: hanging out with my friends, playing drums in my band, art

One way that we’re trying to make Springdale better is by putting a stop to bullying. I used to be bullied when I was younger (and a lot shorter!) and I’ve had some good friends bullied too. So, I know how horrible it can make you feel. Our school has just started some cool things to help stop bullying.
I’ve also been working with Coach Cruncher and some of my friends to deal with bullying in sports, including PE classes and the locker rooms.

Great job at the track meet, Josh!
My Friends
My Videos

Josh North? Last Year’s Zero
Josh, who used to get bullied, is now the cool kid in school.
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Josh Has Lunch with Raven and Milton
Josh watches as Milton gets bullied by Brick and remembers back to when he was bullied last year.
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