Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Anti-Bullying Laws & Policies |
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Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Anti-Bullying Laws & Policies

Components of State Anti-Bullying Laws and Regulations

Prohibiting statementYes
Protected groupsYes
District policy requirementYes
Reporting and investigationsYes
Communication of policyYes
Safeguards and supportsYes
Review and update of local policiesNo
Prevention educationNo
Staff trainingNo
Parent engagementNo

Which Northern Mariana Islands laws and regulations cover bullying?

Do Northern Mariana Islands anti-bullying laws and regulations cover cyberbullying that occurs off-campus?

No. Northern Mariana Islands anti-bullying laws do not cover off campus conduct.

What are the policy requirements for schools to prevent and respond to bullying behavior?

Northern Mariana Islands schools must adopt the CNMI State Board of Education policy to prohibit bullying, harassment, or intimidation. The policy contains key elements, including, but not limited to:

  • Statements prohibiting harassment, intimidation, or bullying;
  • Definitions of bullying, harassment, intimidation, and electronic communications;
  • Requirements for reporting acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying to appropriate school officials;
  • Prohibitions against retaliation and false reporting;
  • Requirements to follow up regularly with the complaining student to ensure that the bullying has stopped, and no retaliation has occurred;
  • Disciplinary consequences for violations of the policy; and
  • Requirements for how the policy will be publicized.

Do Northern Mariana Islands anti-bullying laws and regulations include protections for specific groups?

Yes. Northern Mariana Islands anti-bullying laws prohibit bullying that is motivated by an actual or a perceived personal characteristic including race, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, religion, ancestry, physical attributes, socioeconomic status, familial status, or physical or mental ability or disability.

Northern Mariana Islands schools that receive federal funding are required by federal law to address discrimination based on certain personal characteristics. Find out when bullying may be a civil rights violation.

Do Northern Mariana Islands anti-bullying laws and regulations encourage or require districts to implement bullying prevention programs or strategies?

No. Northern Mariana Islands anti-bullying laws do not encourage or require districts to implement bullying prevention programs or strategies.

Do Northern Mariana Islands anti-bullying laws encourage or require districts to train teachers and other school staff on how to respond to bullying incidents?

No. Northern Mariana Islands anti-bullying laws do not require districts to train teachers and other school staff on how to prevent or respond to bullying incidents.

Do Northern Mariana Islands anti-bullying laws and regulations encourage or require districts to provide safeguards or mental health supports for students involved with bullying?

Yes. Northern Mariana Islands anti-bullying laws require that a responsible administrator follow up regularly with the complaining student to ensure that the bullying has stopped and that no retaliation has occurred.

Do Northern Mariana Islands anti-bullying laws and regulations involve parents in efforts to address bullying behavior?

No. Northern Mariana Islands anti-bullying laws do not create expectations for parent involvement in addressing bullying behavior.

For More Information

Visit the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Public School System webpage.

The key component framework used in the analysis of state laws is based on the review of legislation presented in the “Analysis of State Bullying Laws and Policies – December 2011” (U.S. Department of Education).

Date Last Reviewed