All About Cassandra
Birthday: February 11
Age: 12
Activities: soccer
Interests: shopping, hanging out with friends

I hang out in the popular crowd at school. I have a lot of friends who only want to please me, but I know they are always worried about getting on my bad side.
I was the inspiration for what KB and Melanie call “Springdale Friends.” When KB arrived at our school, I did my best to keep her out of my “cool girls” circle, by making her look silly in school and on the soccer field. But, I realized it wasn’t cool after Melanie and KB became best friends.
My Friends

Meet Melanie
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Meet Brick
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Soccer Tryouts
KB tries out for the soccer team but has a hard time when Cassandra keeps trying to make her look bad in front of Coach.
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Real Friends
Mel defends KB while playing soccer and shows Coach that they understand teamwork. Coach makes Mel the team’s captain and she picks KB to be on her team and introduces her to her other friends.
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