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  3. Maureen Perkins

Maureen Perkins

Public Health Analyst with the Health Resources and Services Administration and StopBullying.gov Ed Board member

A teacher works with a student with a disability

When Students with Disabilities Become Bullying Targets

Students with a behavioral, emotional, or developmental disability are at a greater risk for bullying – in fact, according to a study published in the Americ

Read That Long Pause was Really a Seizure: Understanding Epilepsy and Bullying

That Long Pause was Really a Seizure: Understanding Epilepsy and Bullying

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We know that for otherwise healthy children, bullying can affect social skills and friendships, self-esteem, and may increase anxiety and depression.

Bullying Can Happen Anywhere – Online and Offline

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The library is one of the safe places at school - where everyone can feel welcome and comfortable asking for advice and resources.